Source code for batoid.rayVector

from numbers import Real, Integral

import numpy as np

from . import _batoid
from .constants import globalCoordSys, vacuum
from .coordTransform import CoordTransform
from .trace import applyForwardTransform, applyForwardTransformArrays
from .utils import lazy_property, fieldToDirCos
from .surface import Plane

def _reshape_arrays(arrays, shape, dtype=float):
    for i in range(len(arrays)):
        array = arrays[i]
        if not hasattr(array, 'shape') or array.shape != shape:
            arrays[i] = np.array(np.broadcast_to(array, shape))
        arrays[i] = np.ascontiguousarray(arrays[i], dtype=dtype)
    return arrays

[docs]class RayVector: """Create RayVector from 1d parameter arrays. Always makes a copy of input arrays. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : ndarray of float, shape (n,) Positions of rays in meters. vx, vy, vz : ndarray of float, shape (n,) Velocities of rays in units of the speed of light in vacuum. t : ndarray of float, shape (n,) Reference times (divided by the speed of light in vacuum) in units of meters. wavelength : ndarray of float, shape (n,) Vacuum wavelengths in meters. flux : ndarray of float, shape (n,) Fluxes in arbitrary units. vignetted : ndarray of bool, shape (n,) True where rays have been vignetted. coordSys : CoordSys Coordinate system in which this ray is expressed. Default: the global coordinate system. """ def __init__( self, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t=0.0, wavelength=0.0, flux=1.0, vignetted=False, failed=False, coordSys=globalCoordSys ): shape = np.broadcast( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, wavelength, flux, vignetted, failed ).shape x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, wavelength, flux = _reshape_arrays( [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, wavelength, flux], shape ) vignetted, failed = _reshape_arrays( [vignetted, failed], shape, bool ) self._x = x self._y = y self._z = z self._vx = vx self._vy = vy self._vz = vz self._t = t self._wavelength = wavelength self._flux = flux self._vignetted = vignetted self._failed = failed self.coordSys = coordSys @staticmethod def _directInit( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, wavelength, flux, vignetted, failed, coordSys ): ret = RayVector.__new__(RayVector) ret._x = x ret._y = y ret._z = z ret._vx = vx ret._vy = vy ret._vz = vz ret._t = t ret._wavelength = wavelength ret._flux = flux ret._vignetted = vignetted ret._failed = failed ret.coordSys = coordSys return ret def _hash(self): # Don't implement as __hash__ since RayVector is mutable. return hash(( tuple(self.x.tolist()), tuple(self.y.tolist()), tuple(self.z.tolist()), tuple(self.vx.tolist()), tuple(self.vy.tolist()), tuple(self.vz.tolist()), tuple(self.t.tolist()), tuple(self.wavelength.tolist()), tuple(self.flux.tolist()), tuple(self.vignetted.tolist()), tuple(self.failed.tolist()), self.coordSys ))
[docs] def positionAtTime(self, t): """Calculate the positions of the rays at a given time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time (over vacuum speed of light; in meters). Returns ------- ndarray of float, shape (n, 3) Positions in meters. """ x = np.empty(len(self._x)) y = np.empty(len(self._x)) z = np.empty(len(self._x)) self._rv.positionAtTime(t,,, return np.array([x, y, z]).T
[docs] def propagate(self, t): """Propagate this RayVector to given time. Parameters ---------- t : float Time (over vacuum speed of light; in meters). Returns ------- RayVector Reference to self, no copy is made. """ self._rv.propagateInPlace(t) return self
[docs] def phase(self, r, t): """Calculate plane wave phases at given position and time. Parameters ---------- r : ndarray of float, shape (3,) Position in meters at which to compute phase t : float Time (over vacuum speed of light; in meters). Returns ------- ndarray of float, shape(n,) """ out = np.empty_like(self._t) self._rv.phase(r[0], r[1], r[2], t, return out
[docs] def amplitude(self, r, t): """Calculate (scalar) complex electric-field amplitudes at given position and time. Parameters ---------- r : ndarray of float, shape (3,) Position in meters. t : float Time (over vacuum speed of light; in meters). Returns ------- ndarray of complex, shape (n,) """ out = np.empty_like(self._t, dtype=np.complex128) self._rv.amplitude(r[0], r[1], r[2], t, return out
[docs] def sumAmplitude(self, r, t, ignoreVignetted=True): """Calculate the sum of (scalar) complex electric-field amplitudes of all rays at given position and time. Parameters ---------- r : ndarray of float, shape (3,) Position in meters. t : float Time (over vacuum speed of light; in meters). Returns ------- complex """ return self._rv.sumAmplitude(r[0], r[1], r[2], t, ignoreVignetted)
[docs] @classmethod def asGrid( cls, optic=None, backDist=None, medium=None, stopSurface=None, coordSys=None, wavelength=None, source=None, dirCos=None, theta_x=None, theta_y=None, projection='postel', nx=None, ny=None, dx=None, dy=None, lx=None, ly=None, flux=1, nrandom=None, rng=None ): """Create RayVector on a parallelogram shaped region. This function will often be used to create a grid of rays on a square grid, but is flexible enough to also create grids on an arbitrary parallelogram, or even randomly distributed across an arbitrary parallelogram-shaped region. The algorithm starts by placing rays on the "stop" surface, and then backing them up such that they are in front of any surfaces of the optic they're intended to trace. The stop surface of most large telescopes is the plane perpendicular to the optic axis and flush with the rim of the primary mirror. This plane is usually also the entrance pupil since there are no earlier refractive or reflective surfaces. However, since this plane is a bit difficult to locate automatically, the default stop surface in batoid is the global x-y plane. If a telescope has a stopSurface attribute in its yaml file, then this is usually a good choice to use in this function. Using a curved surface for the stop surface is allowed, but is usually a bad idea as this may lead to a non-uniformly illuminated pupil and is inconsistent with, say, an incoming uniform spherical wave or uniform plane wave. Parameters ---------- optic : `batoid.Optic`, optional If present, then try to extract values for ``backDist``, ``medium``, ``stopSurface``, and ``lx`` from the Optic. Note that values explicitly passed to `asGrid` as keyword arguments override those extracted from ``optic``. backDist : float, optional Map rays backwards from the stop surface to the plane that is perpendicular to the rays and ``backDist`` meters from the point (0, 0, z(0,0)) on the stop surface. This should generally be set large enough that any obscurations or phantom surfaces occuring before the stop surface are now "in front" of the ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.backDist``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of 40 meters, which should be sufficiently large for foreseeable telescopes. medium : `batoid.Medium`, optional Initial medium of each ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.inMedium``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of vacuum. stopSurface : batoid.Interface, optional Surface defining the system stop. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.stopSurface``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default ``Interface(Plane())``, which is the global x-y plane. wavelength : float Vacuum wavelength of rays in meters. source : None or ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional Where rays originate. If None, then rays originate an infinite distance away, in which case the ``dirCos`` kwarg must also be specified to set the direction of ray propagation. If an ndarray, then the rays originate from this point in global coordinates and the ``dirCos`` kwarg is ignored. dirCos : ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Also see ``theta_x``, ``theta_y`` as an alternative to this keyword. theta_x, theta_y : float, optional Field angle in radians. If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Uses `utils.fieldToDirCos` to convert to direction cosines. Also see ``dirCos`` as an alternative to this keyword. projection : {'postel', 'zemax', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'lambert', 'orthographic'}, optional Projection used to convert field angle to direction cosines. nx, ny : int, optional Number of rays on each side of grid. dx, dy : float or (2,) array of float, optional Separation in meters between adjacent rays in grid. If scalars, then the separations are exactly along the x and y directions. If arrays, then these are interpretted as the primitive vectors for the first and second dimensions of the grid. If only dx is explicitly specified, then dy will be inferred as a 90-degree rotation from dx with the same length as dx. lx, ly : float or (2,) array of float, optional Length of each side of ray grid. If scalars, then these are measured along the x and y directions. If arrays, then these also indicate the primitive vectors orientation of the grid. If only lx is specified, then ly will be inferred as a 90-degree rotation from lx with the same length as lx. If lx is ``None``, then first infer a value from ``nx`` and ``dx``, and if that doesn't work, infer a value from ``optic.pupilSize``. flux : float, optional Flux to assign each ray. Default is 1.0. nrandom : None or int, optional If not None, then uniformly sample this many rays from parallelogram region instead of sampling on a regular grid. rng : None or int or `numpy.random.Generator`, optional Random number generator or seed to use for random sampling. """ from .optic import Interface from .surface import Plane if optic is not None: if backDist is None: backDist = optic.backDist if medium is None: medium = optic.inMedium if stopSurface is None: try: stopSurface = optic.stopSurface except AttributeError: stopSurface = None if lx is None: # If nx and dx are both present, then let lx get inferred from # them. Otherwise, infer from optic. if nx is None or dx is None: lx = optic.pupilSize if coordSys is None: coordSys = optic.coordSys if backDist is None: backDist = 40.0 if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = Interface(Plane()) if medium is None: medium = vacuum if coordSys is None: coordSys = globalCoordSys if dirCos is None and source is None: dirCos = fieldToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y, projection=projection) if wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Missing wavelength keyword") # To determine the parallelogram, exactly 2 of nx, dx, lx must be set. if sum(a is not None for a in [nx, dx, lx]) != 2: raise ValueError("Exactly 2 of nx, dx, lx must be specified") if nx is not None and ny is None: ny = nx if dx is not None and dy is None: dy = dx if lx is not None and ly is None: if isinstance(lx, Real): ly = lx else: ly =[[0, -1], [1, 0]]), lx) # We need lx, ly, nx, ny for below, so construct these from other # arguments if they're not already available. if nx is not None and dx is not None: if (nx%2) == 0: lx = dx*(nx-2) else: lx = dx*(nx-1) if (ny%2) == 0: ly = dy*(ny-2) else: ly = dy*(ny-1) elif lx is not None and dx is not None: # adjust dx in this case # always infer an even n (since even and odd are degenerate given # only lx, dx). slop = 0.1 # prevent 3.9999 -> 3, e.g. nx = int((lx/dx+slop)//2)*2+2 ny = int((ly/dy+slop)//2)*2+2 # These are the real dx, dy; which may be different from what was # passed in order to force an integer for nx/ny. We don't actually # need them after this point though. # dx = lx/(nx-2) # dy = ly/(ny-2) if isinstance(lx, Real): lx = (lx, 0.0) if isinstance(ly, Real): ly = (0.0, ly) if nrandom is not None: if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() elif isinstance(rng, int): rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) xx = rng.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=nrandom) yy = rng.uniform(-0.5, 0.5, size=nrandom) else: if nx <= 2: x_d = 1. else: x_d = (nx-(2 if (nx%2) == 0 else 1))/nx if ny <= 2: y_d = 1. else: y_d = (ny-(2 if (ny%2) == 0 else 1))/ny xx = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(nx, x_d)) yy = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(ny, y_d)) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xx, yy) xx = xx.ravel() yy = yy.ravel() stack = np.stack([xx, yy]) x =, stack) y =, stack) del xx, yy, stack z = stopSurface.surface.sag(x, y) transform = CoordTransform(stopSurface.coordSys, coordSys) applyForwardTransformArrays(transform, x, y, z) w = np.empty_like(x) w.fill(wavelength) n = medium.getN(wavelength) return cls._finish( backDist, source, dirCos, n, x, y, z, w, flux, coordSys )
@classmethod def asFan( cls, nx=None, ny=None, **kwargs ): rvs = [] if nx > 1: rvs.append(RayVector.asGrid(nx=nx, ny=1, **kwargs)) if ny > 1: rvs.append(RayVector.asGrid(nx=1, ny=ny, **kwargs)) return concatenateRayVectors(rvs)
[docs] @classmethod def asPolar( cls, optic=None, backDist=None, medium=None, stopSurface=None, coordSys=None, wavelength=None, outer=None, inner=None, source=None, dirCos=None, theta_x=None, theta_y=None, projection='postel', nrad=None, naz=None, flux=1, nrandom=None, rng=None ): """Create RayVector on an annular region using a hexapolar grid. This function can be used to regularly sample the entrance pupil of a telescope using polar symmetry (really, hexagonal symmetry). Rings of different radii are used, with the number of samples on each ring restricted to a multiple of 6 (with the exception of a potential central "ring" of radius 0, which is only ever sampled once). This may be more efficient than using a square grid since more of the rays generated may avoid vignetting. This function is also used to generate rays uniformly randomly sampled from a given annular region. The algorithm used here starts by placing rays on the "stop" surface, and then backing them up such that they are in front of any surfaces of the optic they're intended to trace. The stop surface of most large telescopes is the plane perpendicular to the optic axis and flush with the rim of the primary mirror. This plane is usually also the entrance pupil since there are no earlier refractive or reflective surfaces. However, since this plane is a bit difficult to locate automatically, the default stop surface in batoid is the global x-y plane. If a telescope has a stopSurface attribute in its yaml file, then this is usually a good choice to use in this function. Using a curved surface for the stop surface is allowed, but is usually a bad idea as this may lead to a non-uniformly illuminated pupil and is inconsistent with, say, an incoming uniform spherical wave or uniform plane wave. Parameters ---------- optic : `batoid.Optic`, optional If present, then try to extract values for ``backDist``, ``medium``, ``stopSurface``, and ``outer`` from the Optic. Note that values explicitly passed to `asPolar` as keyword arguments override those extracted from ``optic``. backDist : float, optional Map rays backwards from the stop surface to the plane that is perpendicular to the ray and ``backDist`` meters from the point (0, 0, z(0,0)) on the stop surface. This should generally be set large enough that any obscurations or phantom surfaces occuring before the stop surface are now "in front" of the ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.backDist``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of 40 meters, which should be sufficiently large for foreseeable telescopes. medium : `batoid.Medium`, optional Initial medium of each ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.inMedium``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of vacuum. stopSurface : batoid.Interface, optional Surface defining the system stop. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.stopSurface``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default ``Interface(Plane())``, which is the global x-y plane. wavelength : float Vacuum wavelength of rays in meters. outer : float Outer radius of annulus in meters. inner : float, optional Inner radius of annulus in meters. Default is 0.0. source : None or ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional Where rays originate. If None, then rays originate an infinite distance away, in which case the ``dirCos`` kwarg must also be specified to set the direction of ray propagation. If an ndarray, then the rays originate from this point in global coordinates and the ``dirCos`` kwarg is ignored. dirCos : ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Also see ``theta_x``, ``theta_y`` as an alternative to this keyword. theta_x, theta_y : float, optional Field angle in radians. If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Uses `utils.fieldToDirCos` to convert to direction cosines. Also see ``dirCos`` as an alternative to this keyword. projection : {'postel', 'zemax', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'lambert', 'orthographic'}, optional Projection used to convert field angle to direction cosines. nrad : int Number of radii on which create rays. naz : int Approximate number of azimuthal angles uniformly spaced along the outermost ring. Each ring is constrained to have a multiple of 6 azimuths, so the realized value may be slightly different than the input value here. Inner rings will have fewer azimuths in proportion to their radius, but will still be constrained to a multiple of 6. (If the innermost ring has radius 0, then exactly 1 ray, with azimuth undefined, will be used on that "ring".) flux : float, optional Flux to assign each ray. Default is 1.0. nrandom : int, optional If not None, then uniformly sample this many rays from annular region instead of sampling on a hexapolar grid. rng : None or int or `numpy.random.Generator`, optional Random number generator or seed to use for random sampling. """ from .optic import Interface if optic is not None: if backDist is None: backDist = optic.backDist if medium is None: medium = optic.inMedium if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = optic.stopSurface if outer is None: outer = optic.pupilSize/2 if inner is None: if hasattr(optic, 'pupilObscuration'): inner = optic.pupilSize*optic.pupilObscuration/2 else: inner = 0.0 if coordSys is None: coordSys = optic.coordSys else: if inner is None: inner = 0.0 if backDist is None: backDist = 40.0 if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = Interface(Plane()) if medium is None: medium = vacuum if coordSys is None: coordSys = globalCoordSys if dirCos is None and source is None: dirCos = fieldToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y, projection=projection) if wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Missing wavelength keyword") if nrandom is None: nphis = [] rhos = np.linspace(outer, inner, nrad) for rho in rhos: nphi = int((naz*rho/outer)//6)*6 if nphi == 0: nphi = 6 nphis.append(nphi) if inner == 0.0: nphis[-1] = 1 th = np.empty(np.sum(nphis)) rr = np.empty(np.sum(nphis)) idx = 0 for rho, nphi in zip(rhos, nphis): rr[idx:idx+nphi] = rho th[idx:idx+nphi] = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nphi, endpoint=False) idx += nphi if inner == 0.0: rr[-1] = 0.0 th[-1] = 0.0 else: if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() elif isinstance(rng, int): rng = np.random.default_rng(rng) rr = np.sqrt(rng.uniform(inner**2, outer**2, size=nrandom)) th = rng.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=nrandom) x = rr*np.cos(th) y = rr*np.sin(th) del rr, th z = stopSurface.surface.sag(x, y) transform = CoordTransform(stopSurface.coordSys, coordSys) applyForwardTransformArrays(transform, x, y, z) w = np.empty_like(x) w.fill(wavelength) n = medium.getN(wavelength) return cls._finish( backDist, source, dirCos, n, x, y, z, w, flux, coordSys )
[docs] @classmethod def asSpokes( cls, optic=None, backDist=None, medium=None, stopSurface=None, coordSys=None, wavelength=None, outer=None, inner=0.0, source=None, dirCos=None, theta_x=None, theta_y=None, projection='postel', spokes=None, rings=None, spacing='uniform', flux=1 ): """Create RayVector on an annular region using a spokes pattern. The function generates rays on a rings-and-spokes pattern, with a fixed number of radii for each azimuth and a fixed number of azimuths for each radius. Its main use is for decomposing functions in pupil space into Zernike components using Gaussian Quadrature integration on annuli. For more general purpose annular sampling, RayVector.asPolar() is often a better choice since it samples the pupil more uniformly. The algorithm used here starts by placing rays on the "stop" surface, and then backing them up such that they are in front of any surfaces of the optic they're intended to trace. The stop surface of most large telescopes is the plane perpendicular to the optic axis and flush with the rim of the primary mirror. This plane is usually also the entrance pupil since there are no earlier refractive or reflective surfaces. However, since this plane is a bit difficult to locate automatically, the default stop surface in batoid is the global x-y plane. If a telescope has a stopSurface attribute in its yaml file, then this is usually a good choice to use in this function. Using a curved surface for the stop surface is allowed, but is usually a bad idea as this may lead to a non-uniformly illuminated pupil and is inconsistent with, say, an incoming uniform spherical wave or uniform plane wave. Parameters ---------- optic : `batoid.Optic`, optional If present, then try to extract values for ``backDist``, ``medium``, ``stopSurface``, and ``outer`` from the Optic. Note that values explicitly passed to `asSpokes` as keyword arguments override those extracted from ``optic``. backDist : float, optional Map rays backwards from the stop surface to the plane that is perpendicular to the ray and ``backDist`` meters from the point (0, 0, z(0,0)) on the stop surface. This should generally be set large enough that any obscurations or phantom surfaces occuring before the stop surface are now "in front" of the ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.backDist``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of 40 meters, which should be sufficiently large for foreseeable telescopes. medium : `batoid.Medium`, optional Initial medium of each ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.inMedium``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of vacuum. stopSurface : batoid.Interface, optional Surface defining the system stop. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.stopSurface``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default ``Interface(Plane())``, which is the global x-y plane. wavelength : float Vacuum wavelength of rays in meters. outer : float Outer radius of annulus in meters. inner : float, optional Inner radius of annulus in meters. Default is 0.0. source : None or ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional Where rays originate. If None, then rays originate an infinite distance away, in which case the ``dirCos`` kwarg must also be specified to set the direction of ray propagation. If an ndarray, then the rays originate from this point in global coordinates and the ``dirCos`` kwarg is ignored. dirCos : ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Also see ``theta_x``, ``theta_y`` as an alternative to this keyword. theta_x, theta_y : float, optional Field angle in radians. If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Uses `utils.fieldToDirCos` to convert to direction cosines. Also see ``dirCos`` as an alternative to this keyword. projection : {'postel', 'zemax', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'lambert', 'orthographic'}, optional Projection used to convert field angle to direction cosines. spokes : int or ndarray of float If int, then number of spokes to use. If ndarray, then the values of the spokes azimuthal angles in radians. rings : int or ndarray of float If int, then number of rings to use. If array, then the values of the ring radii to use in meters. spacing : {'uniform', 'GQ'} If uniform, assign ring radii uniformly between ``inner`` and ``outer``. If GQ, then assign ring radii as the Gaussian Quadrature points for integration on an annulus. In this case, the ray fluxes will be set to the Gaussian Quadrature weights (and the ``flux`` kwarg will be ignored). flux : float, optional Flux to assign each ray. Default is 1.0. """ from .optic import Interface from .surface import Plane if optic is not None: if backDist is None: backDist = optic.backDist if medium is None: medium = optic.inMedium if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = optic.stopSurface if outer is None: outer = optic.pupilSize/2 if coordSys is None: coordSys = optic.coordSys if backDist is None: backDist = 40.0 if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = Interface(Plane()) if medium is None: medium = vacuum if coordSys is None: coordSys = globalCoordSys if dirCos is None and source is None: dirCos = fieldToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y, projection=projection) if wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Missing wavelength keyword") if isinstance(rings, Integral): if spacing == 'uniform': rings = np.linspace(inner, outer, rings) elif spacing == 'GQ': if spokes is None: spokes = 2*rings+1 Li, w = np.polynomial.legendre.leggauss(rings) eps = inner/outer area = np.pi*(1-eps**2) rings = np.sqrt(eps**2 + (1+Li)*(1-eps**2)/2)*outer flux = w*area/(2*spokes) if isinstance(spokes, Integral): spokes = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, spokes, endpoint=False) rings, spokes = np.meshgrid(rings, spokes) flux = np.broadcast_to(flux, rings.shape) rings = rings.ravel() spokes = spokes.ravel() flux = flux.ravel() x = rings*np.cos(spokes) y = rings*np.sin(spokes) del rings, spokes z = stopSurface.surface.sag(x, y) transform = CoordTransform(stopSurface.coordSys, coordSys) applyForwardTransformArrays(transform, x, y, z) w = np.empty_like(x) w.fill(wavelength) n = medium.getN(wavelength) return cls._finish( backDist, source, dirCos, n, x, y, z, w, flux, coordSys )
@classmethod def _finish( cls, backDist, source, dirCos, n, x, y, z, w, flux, coordSys ): """Map rays backwards to their source position.""" if isinstance(flux, Real): flux = np.full(len(x), float(flux)) if source is None: vv = np.array(dirCos, dtype=float) vv /= n*np.sqrt(, vv)) zhat = -n*vv xhat = np.cross(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]), zhat) xhat /= np.sqrt(, xhat)) yhat = np.cross(xhat, zhat) origin = zhat*backDist rot = np.stack([xhat, yhat, zhat]).T _batoid.finishParallel( origin, rot.ravel(), vv,,,, len(x) ) vx = np.full_like(x, vv[0]) vy = np.full_like(y, vv[1]) vz = np.full_like(z, vv[2]) t = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=float) vignetted = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) failed = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=bool) return RayVector._directInit( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, w, flux, vignetted, failed, coordSys ) else: pass # v = np.copy(r) # v -= source # v /= n*np.einsum('ab,ab->b', v, v) # r[:] = source # t = np.zeros(len(r), dtype=float) # vignetted = np.zeros(len(r), dtype=bool) # failed = np.zeros(len(r), dtype=bool) # return RayVector._directInit( # r, v, t, w, flux, vignetted, failed, coordSys # )
[docs] @classmethod def fromStop( cls, x, y, optic=None, backDist=None, medium=None, stopSurface=None, coordSys=None, wavelength=None, source=None, dirCos=None, theta_x=None, theta_y=None, projection='postel', flux=1 ): """Create rays that intersects the "stop" surface at given points. The algorithm used here starts by placing the rays on the "stop" surface, and then backing them up such that they are in front of any surfaces of the optic they're intended to trace. The stop surface of most large telescopes is the plane perpendicular to the optic axis and flush with the rim of the primary mirror. This plane is usually also the entrance pupil since there are no earlier refractive or reflective surfaces. However, since this plane is a bit difficult to locate automatically, the default stop surface in batoid is the global x-y plane. If a telescope has a stopSurface attribute in its yaml file, then this is usually a good choice to use in this function. Using a curved surface for the stop surface is allowed, but is usually a bad idea as this may lead to a non-uniformly illuminated pupil and is inconsistent with, say, an incoming uniform spherical wave or uniform plane wave. Parameters ---------- x, y : ndarray X/Y coordinates on the stop surface where the rays would intersect if not refracted or reflected first. optic : `batoid.Optic`, optional If present, then try to extract values for ``backDist``, ``medium``, and ``stopSurface`` from the Optic. Note that values explicitly passed here as keyword arguments override those extracted from ``optic``. backDist : float, optional Map rays backwards from the stop surface to the plane that is perpendicular to the rays and ``backDist`` meters from the point (0, 0, z(0,0)) on the stop surface. This should generally be set large enough that any obscurations or phantom surfaces occuring before the stop surface are now "in front" of the ray. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.backDist``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of 40 meters, which should be sufficiently large for foreseeable telescopes. medium : `batoid.Medium`, optional Initial medium of rays. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.inMedium``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of vacuum. stopSurface : batoid.Interface, optional Surface defining the system stop. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.stopSurface``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default ``Interface(Plane())``, which is the global x-y plane. wavelength : float Vacuum wavelength of rays in meters. source : None or ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional Where the rays originate. If None, then the rays originate an infinite distance away, in which case the ``dirCos`` kwarg must also be specified to set the direction of ray propagation. If an ndarray, then the rays originates from this point in global coordinates and the ``dirCos`` kwarg is ignored. dirCos : ndarray of float, shape (3,), optional If source is None, then indicates the direction of ray propagation. If source is not None, then this is ignored. theta_x, theta_y : float, optional Field angle in radians. If source is None, then this indicates the initial direction of propagation of the rays. If source is not None, then this is ignored. Uses `utils.fieldToDirCos` to convert to direction cosines. Also see ``dirCos`` as an alternative to this keyword. projection : {'postel', 'zemax', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'lambert', 'orthographic'}, optional Projection used to convert field angle to direction cosines. flux : float, optional Flux of rays. Default is 1.0. """ from .optic import Interface from .surface import Plane if optic is not None: if backDist is None: backDist = optic.backDist if medium is None: medium = optic.inMedium if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = optic.stopSurface if coordSys is None: coordSys = optic.coordSys if backDist is None: backDist = 40.0 if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = Interface(Plane()) if medium is None: medium = vacuum if coordSys is None: coordSys = globalCoordSys if dirCos is None and source is None: dirCos = fieldToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y, projection=projection) if wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Missing wavelength keyword") x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype(float, copy=False) y = np.atleast_1d(y).astype(float, copy=False) z = stopSurface.surface.sag(x, y) transform = CoordTransform(stopSurface.coordSys, coordSys) applyForwardTransformArrays(transform, x, y, z) w = np.empty_like(x) w.fill(wavelength) n = medium.getN(wavelength) return cls._finish( backDist, source, dirCos, n, x, y, z, w, flux, coordSys )
[docs] @classmethod def fromFieldAngles( cls, theta_x, theta_y, projection='postel', optic=None, backDist=None, medium=None, stopSurface=None, wavelength=None, x=0, y=0, flux=1 ): """Create RayVector with one stop surface point but many field angles. This method is similar to `fromStop` but broadcasts over ``theta_x`` and ``theta_y`` instead of over ``x`` and ``y``. There is less currently less effort paid to synchronizing the ``t`` values of the created rays, as they don't correspond to points on a physical incoming wavefront in this case. The primary intended use case is to map chief rays (``x`` = ``y`` = 0) from incoming field angle to focal plane position. Parameters ---------- theta_x, theta_y : ndarray Field angles in radians. projection : {'postel', 'zemax', 'gnomonic', 'stereographic', 'lambert', 'orthographic'}, optional Projection used to convert field angle to direction cosines. optic : `batoid.Optic`, optional If present, then try to extract values for ``backDist``, ``medium``, and ``stopSurface`` from the Optic. Note that values explicitly passed here as keyword arguments override those extracted from ``optic``. backDist : float, optional Map rays backwards from the stop surface this far. This should generally be set large enough that any obscurations or phantom surfaces occuring before the stop surface are now "in front" of the rays. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.backDist``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of 40 meters, which should be sufficiently large for foreseeable telescopes. medium : `batoid.Medium`, optional Initial medium of rays. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.inMedium``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default of vacuum. stopSurface : batoid.Interface, optional Surface defining the system stop. If this keyword is set to ``None`` and the ``optic`` keyword is set, then infer a value from ``optic.stopSurface``. If both this keyword and ``optic`` are ``None``, then use a default ``Interface(Plane())``, which is the global x-y plane. wavelength : float Vacuum wavelength of rays in meters. x, y : float X/Y coordinates on the stop surface where the rays would intersect if not refracted or reflected first. flux : float, optional Flux of rays. Default is 1.0. """ from .optic import Interface from .surface import Plane if optic is not None: if backDist is None: backDist = optic.backDist if medium is None: medium = optic.inMedium if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = optic.stopSurface if backDist is None: backDist = 40.0 if stopSurface is None: stopSurface = Interface(Plane()) if medium is None: medium = vacuum if wavelength is None: raise ValueError("Missing wavelength keyword") vx, vy, vz = fieldToDirCos(theta_x, theta_y, projection=projection) n = medium.getN(wavelength) vx /= n vy /= n vz /= n z = stopSurface.surface.sag(x, y) x = np.full_like(vx, x) y = np.full_like(vx, y) z = np.full_like(vx, z) t = np.zeros_like(vx) rv = RayVector( x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, t, wavelength, flux, coordSys=stopSurface.coordSys ) rv.propagate(-backDist*n) return rv
@property def r(self): """ndarray of float, shape (n, 3): Positions of rays in meters.""" self._rv.x.syncToHost() self._rv.y.syncToHost() self._rv.z.syncToHost() return np.array([self._x, self._y, self._z]).T @property def x(self): """The x components of ray positions in meters.""" self._rv.x.syncToHost() return self._x @property def y(self): """The y components of ray positions in meters.""" self._rv.y.syncToHost() return self._y @property def z(self): """The z components of ray positions in meters.""" self._rv.z.syncToHost() return self._z @property def v(self): """ndarray of float, shape (n, 3): Velocities of rays in units of the speed of light in vacuum. Note that these may have magnitudes < 1 if the rays are inside a refractive medium. """ self._rv.vx.syncToHost() self._rv.vy.syncToHost() self._rv.vz.syncToHost() return np.array([self._vx, self._vy, self._vz]).T @property def vx(self): """The x components of ray velocities units of the vacuum speed of light. """ self._rv.vx.syncToHost() return self._vx @property def vy(self): """The y components of ray velocities units of the vacuum speed of light. """ self._rv.vy.syncToHost() return self._vy @property def vz(self): """The z components of ray velocities units of the vacuum speed of light. """ self._rv.vz.syncToHost() return self._vz @property def t(self): """Reference times (divided by the speed of light in vacuum) in units of meters, also known as the optical path lengths. """ self._rv.t.syncToHost() return self._t @property def wavelength(self): """Vacuum wavelengths in meters.""" # wavelength is constant, so no need to synchronize return self._wavelength @property def flux(self): """Fluxes in arbitrary units.""" self._rv.flux.syncToHost() return self._flux @property def vignetted(self): """True for rays that have been vignetted.""" self._rv.vignetted.syncToHost() return self._vignetted @property def failed(self): """True for rays that have failed. This may occur, for example, if batoid failed to find the intersection of a ray wiht a surface. """ self._rv.failed.syncToHost() return self._failed @property def k(self): r"""ndarray of float, shape (n, 3): Wavevectors of plane waves in units of radians per meter. The magnitude of each wavevector is equal to :math:`2 \pi n / \lambda`, where :math:`n` is the refractive index and :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength. """ v = self.v out = 2*np.pi*v out /= self.wavelength[:, None] out /= np.sum(v*v, axis=-1)[:, None] return out @property def kx(self): """The x component of each ray wavevector in radians per meter.""" return self.k[:,0] @property def ky(self): """The y component of each ray wavevector in radians per meter.""" return self.k[:,1] @property def kz(self): """The z component of each ray wavevector in radians per meter.""" return self.k[:,2] @property def omega(self): r"""The temporal angular frequency of each plane wave divided by the vacuum speed of light in units of radians per meter. Equals :math:`2 \pi / \lambda`. """ return 2*np.pi/self.wavelength @lazy_property def _rv(self): return _batoid.CPPRayVector(,,,,,,,,,,, len(self._wavelength) ) def _syncToHost(self): if "_rv" not in self.__dict__: # Was never copied to device, so still synchronized. return self._rv.x.syncToHost() self._rv.y.syncToHost() self._rv.z.syncToHost() self._rv.vx.syncToHost() self._rv.vy.syncToHost() self._rv.vz.syncToHost() self._rv.t.syncToHost() self._rv.wavelength.syncToHost() self._rv.flux.syncToHost() self._rv.vignetted.syncToHost() self._rv.failed.syncToHost() def _syncToDevice(self): self._rv.x.syncToDevice() self._rv.y.syncToDevice() self._rv.z.syncToDevice() self._rv.vx.syncToDevice() self._rv.vy.syncToDevice() self._rv.vz.syncToDevice() self._rv.t.syncToDevice() self._rv.wavelength.syncToDevice() self._rv.flux.syncToDevice() self._rv.vignetted.syncToDevice() self._rv.failed.syncToDevice() def copy(self): # copy on host side for now... self._syncToHost() ret = RayVector.__new__(RayVector) ret._x = np.copy(self._x) ret._y = np.copy(self._y) ret._z = np.copy(self._z) ret._vx = np.copy(self._vx) ret._vy = np.copy(self._vy) ret._vz = np.copy(self._vz) ret._t = np.copy(self._t) ret._wavelength = np.copy(self._wavelength) ret._flux = np.copy(self._flux) ret._vignetted = np.copy(self._vignetted) ret._failed = np.copy(self._failed) ret.coordSys = self.coordSys.copy() return ret
[docs] def toCoordSys(self, coordSys): """Transform this RayVector into a new coordinate system. Parameters ---------- coordSys: batoid.CoordSys Destination coordinate system. Returns ------- RayVector Reference to self, no copy is made. """ transform = CoordTransform(self.coordSys, coordSys) applyForwardTransform(transform, self) return self
def __len__(self): return self._t.size def __eq__(self, rhs): return self._rv == rhs._rv def __ne__(self, rhs): return self._rv != rhs._rv def __repr__(self): out = f"RayVector({self.x!r}, {self.y!r}, {self.z!r}" out += f", {self.vx!r}, {self.vy!r}, {self.vz!r}" out += f", {self.t!r}, {self.wavelength!r}, {self.flux!r}" out += f", {self.vignetted!r}, {self.failed!r}, {self.coordSys!r})" return out def __getstate__(self): return ( self.x, self.y, self.z, self.vx, self.vy, self.vz, self.t, self.wavelength, self.flux, self.vignetted, self.failed, self.coordSys ) def __setstate__(self, args): (self._x, self._y, self._z, self._vx, self._vy, self._vz, self._t, self._wavelength, self._flux, self._vignetted, self._failed, self.coordSys) = args def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, int): if idx >= 0: if idx >= self._rv.t.size: msg = "index {} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {}" msg = msg.format(idx, self._rv.t.size) raise IndexError(msg) idx = slice(idx, idx+1) else: if idx < -self._rv.t.size: msg = "index {} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {}" msg = msg.format(idx, self._rv.t.size) raise IndexError(msg) idx = slice(self._rv.t.size+idx, self._rv.t.size-idx+1) self._syncToHost() return RayVector._directInit( np.copy(self._x[idx]), np.copy(self._y[idx]), np.copy(self._z[idx]), np.copy(self._vx[idx]), np.copy(self._vy[idx]), np.copy(self._vz[idx]), np.copy(self._t[idx]), np.copy(self._wavelength[idx]), np.copy(self._flux[idx]), np.copy(self._vignetted[idx]), np.copy(self._failed[idx]), self.coordSys )
def concatenateRayVectors(rvs): return RayVector( np.hstack([rv.x for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.y for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.z for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.vx for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.vy for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.vz for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.t for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.wavelength for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.flux for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.vignetted for rv in rvs]), np.hstack([rv.failed for rv in rvs]), rvs[0].coordSys )