Source code for batoid.obscuration

import numpy as np
from . import _batoid
from .trace import obscure

[docs]class Obscuration: """An `Obscuration` instance is used to mark as vignetted (i.e., obscured) if their x/y coordinates lie in a particular region. `Obscuration` s are useful for modeling pupils, clear apertures of optical elements, struts, or other physical obstructions in an optical system. Note that only the x and y local coordinates of rays are considered; the z coordinate is ignored. """
[docs] def contains(self, x, y): """Return True if the point (x,y) is obscured. Parameters ---------- x, y : float X/Y coordinates of point in meters. Returns ------- obscured : bool True if point is obscured. False otherwise. """ return self._obsc.contains(x, y)
[docs] def obscure(self, rv): """Mark rays for potential vignetting. Parameters ---------- rv : `RayVector` Rays to analyze. Returns ------- out : `RayVector` Returned object will have appropriate elements marked as vignetted. """ obscure(self, rv)
def __ne__(self, rhs): return not (self == rhs)
[docs]class ObscCircle(Obscuration): """A circular obscuration. Parameters ---------- radius : float Radius of circle in meters. x, y : float, optional Coordinates of circle center in meters. [default: 0.0] """ def __init__(self, radius, x=0.0, y=0.0): self.radius = radius self.x = x self.y = y self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscCircle(radius, x, y) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return ( self.radius == rhs.radius and self.x == rhs.x and self.y == rhs.y ) return False def __getstate__(self): return self.radius, self.x, self.y def __setstate__(self, args): self.radius, self.x, self.y = args self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscCircle(*args) def __hash__(self): return hash(("batoid.ObscCircle", self.radius, self.x, self.y)) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscCircle({self.radius}" if self.x != 0 or self.y != 0: out += f", {self.x}, {self.y}" out += ")" return out
[docs]class ObscAnnulus(Obscuration): """An annular obscuration. Parameters ---------- inner : float Inner radius of annulus in meters. outer : float Outer radius of annulus in meters. x, y : float, optional Coordinates of annulus center in meters. [default: 0.0] """ def __init__(self, inner, outer, x=0.0, y=0.0): self.inner = inner self.outer = outer self.x = x self.y = y self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscAnnulus(inner, outer, x, y) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return ( self.inner == rhs.inner and self.outer == rhs.outer and self.x == rhs.x and self.y == rhs.y ) return False def __getstate__(self): return self.inner, self.outer, self.x, self.y def __setstate__(self, args): self.inner, self.outer, self.x, self.y = args self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscAnnulus(*args) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscAnnulus", self.inner, self.outer, self.x, self.y )) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscAnnulus({self.inner}, {self.outer}" if self.x != 0 or self.y != 0: out += f", {self.x}, {self.y}" out += ")" return out
[docs]class ObscRectangle(Obscuration): """A rectangular obscuration. Parameters ---------- width : float Width (X-extent) of rectangle in meters. height : float Height (Y-extent) of rectangle in meters. x, y : float, optional Coordinates of rectangle center in meters. [default: 0.0] theta : float, optional Counter-clockwise rotation of rectangle in radians. [default: 0.0] """ def __init__(self, width, height, x=0.0, y=0.0, theta=0.0): self.width = width self.height = height self.x = x self.y = y self.theta = theta self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscRectangle(width, height, x, y, theta) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return ( self.width == rhs.width and self.height == rhs.height and self.x == rhs.x and self.y == rhs.y and self.theta == rhs.theta ) return False def __getstate__(self): return self.width, self.height, self.x, self.y, self.theta def __setstate__(self, args): self.width, self.height, self.x, self.y, self.theta = args self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscRectangle(*args) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscRectangle", self.width, self.height, self.x, self.y, self.theta )) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscRectangle({self.width}, {self.height}" if self.x != 0.0 or self.y != 0.0: out += f", {self.x}, {self.y}" if self.theta != 0.0: out += f", theta={self.theta}" out += ")" return out
[docs]class ObscRay(Obscuration): """A finite-width ray-like obscuration. (Like a rectangle, but infinitely long in one direction.) Parameters ---------- width : float Width of ray obscuration in meters. theta : float Rotation angle of ray in radians. x, y : float, optional Coordinates of ray origin in meters. [default: 0.0] """ def __init__(self, width, theta, x=0.0, y=0.0): self.width = width self.theta = theta self.x = x self.y = y self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscRay(width, theta, x, y) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return ( self.width == rhs.width and self.theta == rhs.theta and self.x == rhs.x and self.y == rhs.y ) return False def __getstate__(self): return self.width, self.theta, self.x, self.y def __setstate__(self, args): self.width, self.theta, self.x, self.y = args self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscRay(*args) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscRay", self.width, self.theta, self.x, self.y )) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscRay({self.width}, {self.theta}" if self.x != 0.0 or self.y != 0.0: out += f", {self.x}, {self.y}" out += ")" return out
class ObscPolygon(Obscuration): """A an arbitrary polygon shaped obscuration. Parameters ---------- xs : list of float x-coordinates of polygon vertices (in order) ys : list of float y-coordinates of polygon vertices (in order) """ def __init__(self, xs, ys): self.xs = np.ascontiguousarray(xs, dtype=float) self.ys = np.ascontiguousarray(ys, dtype=float) self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscPolygon(,, len(self.xs) ) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return ( np.all(self.xs == rhs.xs) and np.all(self.ys == rhs.ys) ) return False def __getstate__(self): return self.xs, self.ys def __setstate__(self, args): self.__init__(*args) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscPolygon", tuple(self.xs), tuple(self.ys) )) def __repr__(self): return f"ObscPolygon({self.xs!r}, {self.ys!r})" def containsGrid(self, xgrid, ygrid): nx = len(xgrid) ny = len(ygrid) out = np.empty((ny, nx), dtype=bool) self._obsc.containsGrid(,,, nx, ny ) return out
[docs]class ObscNegation(Obscuration): """A negated obscuration. The originally obscured regions become clear, and the originally clear regions become obscured. Parameters ---------- original : `Obscuration` The obscuration to negate. """ def __init__(self, original): self.original = original self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscNegation(original._obsc) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return self.original == rhs.original return False def __getstate__(self): return self.original def __setstate__(self, original): self.__init__(original) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscNegation", self.original )) def __repr__(self): return f"ObscNegation({self.original!r})"
[docs]class ObscUnion(Obscuration): """A union of `Obscuration` s. Parameters ---------- *items : `Obscuration` s The `Obscuration` s to unionize. Examples -------- Though not very useful, one could in principle unionize a circle and an annulus to make a larger circle: >>> small_circle = batoid.ObscCircle(1.0) >>> annulus = batoid.ObscAnnulus(1.0, 2.0) >>> big_circle = batoid.ObscCircle(2.0) >>> alternate_big_circle = batoid.ObscUnion(small_circle, annulus) Using a list or tuple is also okay with `ObscUnion`. >>> other_alternate_big_circle = batoid.ObscUnion([small_circle, annulus]) Although ``big_circle`` and ``alternate_big_circle`` will not compare equal above, their behavior with respect to obscuring rays is the same: >>> rays = batoid.RayVector.asGrid( backDist=10.0, wavelength=500e-9, nx=10, lx=4.0, dirCos=(0,0,1) ) >>> obsc1 = big_circle.obscure(rays) >>> obsc2 = alternate_big_circle.obscure(rays) >>> obsc1 == obsc2 True """ def __init__(self, *items): if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("Not enough items") elif len(items) == 1: if isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): items = items[0] self.items = sorted(items, key=repr) self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscUnion([item._obsc for item in items]) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return self.items == rhs.items return False def __getstate__(self): return self.items def __setstate__(self, items): self.__init__(items) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscUnion", tuple(self.items) )) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscUnion({self.items[0]!r}" for item in self.items[1:]: out += f", {item!r}" out += ")" return out
[docs]class ObscIntersection(Obscuration): """An intersection of `Obscuration` s. Parameters ---------- *items : `Obscuration` s The `Obscuration` s to intersect. Examples -------- An alternate way to create an annulus is the intersection of a large circle and a negated small circle. >>> big_circle = batoid.ObscCircle(2.0) >>> small_circle = batoid.ObscCircle(1.0) >>> annulus = batoid.ObscAnnulus(1.0, 2.0) >>> alternate_annulus = batoid.ObscIntersection( batoid.ObscNegation(small_circle), big_circle ) Using a list or tuple is also okay with `ObscIntersection`. >>> other_alternate_annulus = batoid.ObscIntersection([ batoid.ObscNegation(small_circle), big_circle ]) Although ``annulus`` and ``alternate_annulus`` will not compare equal above, their behavior with respect to obscuring rays is the same: >>> rays = batoid.RayVector.asGrid( backDist=10.0, wavelength=500e-9, nx=10, lx=4.0, dirCos=(0,0,1) ) >>> obsc1 = annulus.obscure(rays) >>> obsc2 = alternate_annulus.obscure(rays) >>> obsc1 == obsc2 True """ def __init__(self, *items): if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("Not enough items") elif len(items) == 1: if isinstance(items, (list, tuple)): items = items[0] self.items = sorted(items, key=repr) self._obsc = _batoid.CPPObscIntersection([item._obsc for item in items]) def __eq__(self, rhs): if type(rhs) == type(self): return self.items == rhs.items return False def __getstate__(self): return self.items def __setstate__(self, items): self.__init__(items) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "batoid.ObscIntersection", tuple(self.items) )) def __repr__(self): out = f"ObscIntersection({self.items[0]!r}" for item in self.items[1:]: out += f", {item!r}" out += ")" return out