Source code for batoid.lattice

import numpy as np
from .utils import lazy_property

def primitiveToLattice(primitiveVectors, Ns):
    # 2D output should be [N1, N2, 2]
    # 3D output should be [N1, N2, N3, 3]
    # and so on...
    ns = []
    for d in np.arange(len(Ns)):
        ns.append(np.arange(-(Ns[d]//2), -(-Ns[d]//2)))
    ns = np.meshgrid(*ns, indexing='ij')
    return np.matmul(np.moveaxis(ns, 0, -1), primitiveVectors)

[docs]class Lattice: """Container class for an ndarray + primitive lattice vectors. Used as the output type for several of the analysis algorithms, including PSFs and wavefronts. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray, shape (N1, N2, ..., Nd) d-dimensional ndarray with dimensions N1, N2, ..., Nd primitiveVector : (d, d) ndarray Primitive lattice vectors. E.g., primitiveVector[0] should contain the lattice vector for the first dimension. Notes ----- The ``coords`` attribute will contain the coordinates of each lattice point determined by the coordinate index and the primitive lattice vectors. E.g., in 2-dimensions lattice.coord[i, j] = (i - N1//2) * primitiveVector[0] + (j - N2//2) * primitiveVector[1] Note, this convention places lattice.coord[0,0] = (-N1//2) * primitiveVector[0] + (-N2/2) * primitiveVector[1] but the location of lattice.coord[-1,-1] depends on whether the size of each dimension is even or odd. An odd-sized dimension is "centered", in that the 0-coordinate is precisely in the middle of the dimension. An even-sized dimension will be slightly decentered, with more negative points than positive points. The above convention is the same as for numpy.fft.fftfreq. """ def __init__(self, array, primitiveVectors): primitiveVectors = np.atleast_2d(primitiveVectors) if array.ndim != len(primitiveVectors): raise ValueError("Not enough primitiveVectors for array") if array.ndim != len(primitiveVectors[0]): raise ValueError("primitiveVectors are too small for array") self.array = array self.primitiveVectors = primitiveVectors @lazy_property def coords(self): return primitiveToLattice(self.primitiveVectors, self.array.shape) def __eq__(self, rhs): if not isinstance(rhs, Lattice): return False return ( np.array_equal(self.array, rhs.array) and np.array_equal(self.primitiveVectors, rhs.primitiveVectors) ) def __hash__(self): return hash(( "Lattice", tuple(self.array.ravel()), tuple(self.primitiveVectors.ravel()) )) def __repr__(self): return f"Lattice({self.array!r}, {self.primitiveVectors!r})"